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Cookeville Tennessee Stake Presidency

Invitation from the stake presidency:

Brothers and Sisters,


As the seasons change, our hearts are turned to the Savior and his teachings of hope, faith, redemption, love and salvation. We encourage all to follow the example of Jesus Christ and draw nearer to God through sincere prayer, temple attendance, scripture study, and by following in His footsteps in each aspect of your lives. As a stake presidency, we cordially invite each of you, young and old, to read the Book of Mormon by the end of the year. If you have already started, please continue and complete the book, if you are not currently reading this wonderful piece of scripture, please consider this your call to start. We know that the Book of Mormon will bless you as you read, and re-read it throughout your life. When we read the Book of Mormon together, the Lord will bless us, both as a stake, and individually. We extend this invitation to you in the spirit of love and appreciation for all that you do. May the Lord bless and sustain each of you in this effort.


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